Advancing Research With a Liquid-Cooled Supercomputer

This case study discusses how Harvard University accelerates ground-breaking research with a new HPC cluster based on Lenovo ThinkSystem servers, 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, and Lenovo Neptune™ liquid cooling technology. Please contact Helixeon, Inc. for more information about Lenovo ThinkSystem servers.

View: Advancing Research With a Liquid-Cooled Supercomputer

Microsoft Teams Innovations Designed for Hybrid Work

Microsoft Teams empowers employees to interact on the spot with people all over the world. New features like chat, live reactions, and Whiteboard make the Teams meetings experience uniquely modern. Intelligent in-office cameras designed to enhance the presence of people can produce multiple video streams and create unique experiences for both presenters and attendees.

The culture of hybrid work is here to stay, and the innovations Microsoft Teams is making offers employees choice and flexibility—including a new way in Outlook to organize and display your hybrid office hours or join a meeting using companion mode on your mobile device.